Wednesday, April 3, 2013

He's back

Yes, you thought he was gone.  And sure, he's been away, but Psycho Dad never really leaves.  Sometimes he just lurks.  

Anywho, Psycho Dad had some errands to run today before heading into the office.  First stop was at the Post Office.  Since our office moved a few months ago, we're no longer right across the street from a Post Office and now the closest one is at Eastland Mall.  

Eastland Mall scares Psycho Dad.  Earlier in the day it's full of old people and later in the day it's full of young people; neither of which are appealing.  However, the post office is very close to exit doors so you don't have to deal much with either young or old people.  The lady working at the post office was very friendly and helpful, even when dealing with the old guy who was in line before me.  She had no problems repeating everything she said 3 or 4 times so the deaf guy (i.e. the old guy) could hear her, and then doing it all over again so the old guy (i.e. the deaf guy) could understand what the hell she was talking about.  Apparently it was new to him that you can actually look into a 'TV screen' and track your package.  It was equally appalling to him that you could receive confirmation through said 'TV screen' when the package you sent has been signed for.  My goodness, what will technology bring us next.

My next stop was the Nissan dealership, but as I was pulling out of the mall parking lot, I saw Bed, Bath and Beyond.  I love that place and we needed something for home, so I stopped in.  I think I love the place now because I used to love it in the past.  My recent trips haven't been fruitful, so I think I'm putting it on the Psycho Dad Shit List.

I found my way to the correct section and started looking at the different styles of the utensil I needed.  I couldn't find it.  That moved the needle on my annoying gauge because the thing I'm replacing at home was purchased from BB&B.  I looked all around, but couldn't find what I wanted, so I decided to settle on something similar.  After looking at the price (Holy shit, I remembered why I didn't enjoy my last trip there, everything is freaking expensive), I put the thing back on the shelf.  Unfortunately, I was at Wally World within the last couple weeks and couldn't find anything better, so I picked the damned overpriced thing from the wall and walked to the checkout area.

There was a choice of standing behind the 40-year old lady and her mom in the left lane or behind a couple clueless people wanting to return shit in the right lane.  I overheard the 40-year old lady laughing about blowing her budget (I'm sure her husband was laughing his ass of too, poor bastard) to her mom in the left lane so I chose the right lane.  Sadly it wasn't so much a choice as it was a lack of options because neither side moved.  For 7 minutes I stood in line, fuming, before saying fuck it.  I left the line, which was steadily growing with customers wanting to check out, returned the overpriced item to its original resting spot and left that shitty place for what I'm hoping is the last time.  Shitty service and shittier prices isn't going to bring me back.

After that debacle, I finally made it to the Nissan dealership to get some new batteries for the Infiniti key fobs.  The guy  who replaced the batteries was very friendly and helpful; the lady I gave my credit card to wasn't as friendly or helpful.  I'm the least friendly or helpful person I know, yet I can still manage a smile from time to time.  I always thought in customer service industries you were supposed to be friendly and helpful whether or not you really wanted to.  Apparently, I learned that wrong in college.

Somehow, Hayden loves to go out with the Grandmas when they do nothing but run errands.  I don't get it.  Running errands sucks (I think Hayden is only in it for the free lunch or Starbucks that usually follows).  There's always something to piss off a Psycho Dad.  As far as I'm concerned, I'm not out of the errand running business.  

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