Thursday, October 31, 2013

Oh yeah, it's still on.

I don't have a lot of time because I'm stuck in the trenches and the internet reception isn't great in times of war.  That said, I wanted everyone to know that Operation: Fat Bastard is still a go.  Lately, we've gone dark, avoiding communications of all sorts, but in the background, the guys have been working some covert operations.  Like Axel Foley in  Beverly Hills Cop II, we've gone deep Double Secret Probation-type deep undercover.

The recent Fall Festival was but a flesh wound of a set back in our desire to shed some lbs.  Dr. Thickfinger doubling my happy pill intake hasn't exactly helped the lbs drop either.  With these two recent set backs, I hit a rotund 195 pounds on October 21.  Yes, it was impressive, borderline spectacular.  But that was the final straw.

As a unit, our guys regrouped and planned a different method of attack.  We decided the best course of action was to continue moving forward with baby steps on the dreadmill, but we also decided on some counter measures reserved for just this sort of battle.

Since the previous Monday (10/21), with the exception of the weekends, I've been on a diet.  Yes, a diet.  During the weekdays, I've eaten nothing but milk shakes, candy bars, pumpkin bagels with cream cheese, potato chips and mini bell peppers...with the occasional meal of spaghetti or a burger thrown in for good measure.

It's not as bad as it sounds.  The milk shakes are my homemade protein drinks.  The candy bars are my protein bars.  The bagels are just what you'd expect, as are the chips and the peppers.  Really, they're my favorite things to eat, so I look forward to it.

I start each day with a protein smoothie and a bagel.  I snack on a protein bar if I get hungry.  After I pick up Hayden from school, before we start on homework, he and I both wolf down some potato chips.  For dinner I have another protein smoothie and another bagel.  Later in the evening, I'll put a hurtin' on the mini bells peppers (those things are like candy to me) if I get hungry.  Editor's note:  since I picked up some Halloween candy at the store this past weekend, I've noticed I might have a few pieces to kill a sweet tooth before brushing my toofers.

This 'diet' keeps me full, and has like 1 calorie.  I've been trying to jog a mile in the mornings and again in the evenings, but I've found I'm only doing it in the mornings because I'm about to fall asleep after working on homework with Hayden...fourth grade is SOOOOO boring.

Anyway, the previous Monday I almost broke the scale at 195.0 pounds.  This morning, the damned thing would only go up to 189.2.  Operation: Fat Bastard is in the Shock and Awe stage right now, I can't wait to see what happens next.

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