Thursday, September 5, 2013

War tactics update

Operation: Fat Bastard is still in effect.  The soldiers took liberty for a four-day holiday weekend, but aside from that, operations are still in motion.

A couple Tuesdays ago, O:FB commenced with Plyometrics, part of the P90X routine.  That day ended with serious casualties as my legs didn't work very well the rest of the day and into the evening.  In addition, my lungs and heart wanted no further part of it.  I ended the week by flanking Plyometrics with Cardio X (from the same P90X program) and some hours on my road bike, propped up on a stand in the middle of the kitchen.  Yes, all kitchens should have a nice mounted bike in the middle of them.

As the troops were just starting to make progress, they were granted leave for the holiday.  Bike riding was still part of the equation, but little else was, unless you consider snifter and fishbowl curls part of the plan.  Needless to say, there was a lot of that activity taking place.  If there was any progress made by the time leave ended, it was negligible and likely, we did some retreating.

On Tuesday of this week, another round of Plyometrics took place, and my legs handled it very well.  My lungs and heart are still on strike, however.  I was gassed early on, and I think it was mostly because this happened after a 4-day holiday weekend.  So, while I finished and my lower body feels better about it, the MPs are keeping an eye on my upper body for war crimes.

Yesterday and this morning I did more Cardio X.  It's been a struggle, mostly due to the strike of my lungs and heart.  It's probably good that my heart rate monitor needs a new battery, because it would be beeping the whole time (it beeps when your heart rates closes in on death).  Fortunately, with the bad battery, there is no beeping so I carry on.  The way I see it, I'm either going to die because my heart explodes or my heart is going to get with the program and O:FB will grow easier.  It's a win-win as far as I'm concerned.

I'm trying to work on a second round of strikes each day because working out twice a day has always worked well for me in the past, but have currently been unable to do so.  As of yet, I don't see much progress on the scale or in that my clothes fit better, but it's early and my body is still getting used to the trauma, plus I seem to weigh myself at different times each day, which doesn't allow for a good apples to apples comparison.

The troops really need to start progressing because football season starts tonight, the days are getting shorter, and the Fall Festival is in like 5 weeks.  If enemy forces continue to withstand O:FB, I may see the scale reading 2-large before long.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rick, I'm Cameron. I just have a quick question about your blog. Could you email me when you get chance? I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

