Thursday, August 29, 2013

A glutton

As the day wore on yesterday, my body grew tighter and tighter.  Not so much sore, though I could feel aches in a few spots, just 'tight.'  After I picked up Hayden from school and worked with him on his homework, I decided on a great way to loosen up.  I put in the Cardio X disc and had another round.

In addition to the cat and the dog helping (stretching to downward dog with a cat's fluffy tail in your sweaty face is a real treat), I had the assistance of an almost 10-year old helping me along the way by informing me how easy each move was by demonstrating the exact worst posture for each position.  However, after I showed Hayden the proper form (or at least better form) and he realized how much Yoga sucks, he soon found respite on the couch with the dog.

All the stretching moves were a bit easier than hours before, though the aches grew worse.  I was sweating just as much as previously and acknowledged that was just weakness leaving the body.  Along with the weakness leaving the body were roughly 550 calories, according to the P90X Calories Burned Calculator.  Being that I did that twice yesterday, that's 1100 calories that had their asses handed to them.  But I was spent.  I yawned most of the night before heading off to bed a bit earlier than normal.

My intent was to do something this morning before heading into the office as working out once in the morning and again later in the day has historically provided me with the best results.  Instead, my body was dead and getting out of bed sucked ass.  My legs were shot.  My left foot hurt.  Even my arms were sore from throwing punches during the Kenpo portion of the Cardio X workout.

I'm sitting in my office right now, and my legs and arms are still slightly sore, but only when I move.  Being a warrior has its drawbacks and not listening to your body is one of them.  While a sore body isn't any fun, it's nice to know I'm making progress, even if it is early and I have no tangible results to show for it (I still look like shit).

Hayden is off school tomorrow and I'm staying home to watch him, so my four day weekend starts in a couple hours.  I'm eager to see what kind of pain I can cause myself when I get home.

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