Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Operation: Fat Bastard revisited

As I explained on Facebook yesterday, I'm really fat.  I've got a nice set of hooters that a 5th grade girl would be proud of and I can barely see my gentlemen's region when I take a whiz.  Plus, most of my britches don't fit, except for the ones with an elastic waist band.  It's getting to the point that I'm considering asking my wife if she has any of her maternity clothes left over.  She had this sweet pair of jeans with the elastic thing in the front. 

Yesterday, at my heaviest, I tipped the scales at 194.8.  Granted, that was right after breakfast, but still, that's 10-15 pounds (at a minimum) more than I need to be.  Sure, the happy pills are supposed to make me gain weight but not like this. 

Last night I ate a sensible meal.  Instead of treating dinner at home like a buffet (admit it, when you eat at home, it's always "all you can eat" as you eat til you're full), I had a normal sized plate of some crap I had left over and then just a handful of tropical trail mix a couple times before bed.  I never was hungry, but I never felt bloated and miserable either.

I don't do diets and I'm not cutting out my weekend of beer tastings.  What I can do is cut out things I don't care much about.  Going back 6 or 7 years, all I drink is water, beer, or A&W Root Beer.  The root beer has 170 calories...that's pound and a half a month right there.  So, no dieting, which just leaves exercise as a way to shed lbs.

Riding my bike is very enjoyable for me, but it doesn't develop much muscle.  Jogging on the dreadmill is a last resort because it's so boring and running in the neighborhood bores me as well.  There's a disc in the P90X series called Plyometrics that I wanted to try again.  Plyometrics is simply jump training.  It doesn't sound like much and at face value, it's really not.

The chick in this video is doing every exercise in the program in a condensed 90 seconds. You stretch for 10 minutes or so in the beginning and then again for about 5 minutes at the end.  The disc is an hour or so long, so you're doing this for 45 minutes.  Again, cute little jumps for 45 minutes easy...then you try it.

It's been two years since I've done this.  OMG!!!

I worked up a little sweat simply finding the right pair of shoes (you really need a good shoe for this or you'll be crying in no time).  By the end of the 10 minute warm up/stretching bit, I was drenched in sweat and ready to call it a day.  Then I looked in the mirror on the wall and saw what appeared to be a really ugly lady about 6 months into her pregnancy. I kept going.

You do the first, second and third exercise for 30 seconds each.  You do the fourth exercise for 60 seconds.  Then you repeat the entire sequence.  A 25 second break follows.  Then you do the fifth, sixth and seventh exercises for 30 seconds followed by the eighth exercise for 60 seconds and then you repeat the fifth through the eighth exercises again.  You continue through the five or six sets of exercises.

Normally I wear a heart rate monitor that beeps when I start to go into cardiac arrest.  Because I haven't done Plyometrics in so long, my battery was dead, which I should have taken as a sign.  But, I'm a warrior, so I went for it without a warning device for when my heart was about to explode.

After the first couple exercises, I was even more drenched than after the warm up period.  With each jump, sweat went flying.  It wasn't pretty.  I almost fell twice during the program, but fortunately, the fireplace caught me.  The dog was laying on the couch trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

It was something else and much harder than I remembered it, though I was carrying about a dozen extra pounds.  I started the program this morning at 193.2 pounds and ended it at 191.2.  It was a struggle to get upstairs and into the shower because my legs were shot.

I took off my shoes and threw them into the closet.  I took off my left sock and threw it onto the floor while I started to take off the right sock.  In the process of removing the right sock, I noticed the left sock get up and run away.  After the right sock was off, I had to chase both those little sock bastards around the room with legs that were all but worn out.

Tuesdays are easy mornings for me because I don't go into the office until noon or so.  I have plenty of time to do Plyometrics, cry about it afterwards, and limp to work.  I'm not sure whether this is something I want to do everyday or if I'm even able or supposed to do something like this everyday.

With all the jumping and lunges and stuff, my back and shoulders are already starting to ache because when 190ish pounds hits the ground on a frame made to carry less than 180 pounds, something has to give and it seems it was my body. 

Oh well, I'm still breathing.

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