Thursday, June 13, 2013

Happy Pills--Day 4-ish

Into my fourth day of happy pills and the drowsiness side effect is a myth.  I'm staying up a bit later each night because I'm simply not tired.  Eventually it just gets late and I head off to bed.  At that point, I'm falling asleep pretty easily, so maybe the side effect should be 'helps you sleep' instead of 'drowsiness.'  (However, each day it's getting harder to get out of bed).

After sleeping well for a few hours, there's still always something that wakes me and I'm struggling to fall back to sleep.  We have a poltergeist in our house.  This poltergeist causes a variety of problems; one of which is that something is always in need of repair.  As soon as we fix something, something bigger and more expensive falls ill and needs to be looked at.  I've somewhat resolved that by just leaving a few things broken.  However, another problem from the poltergeist is that when someone is using one of the five phones in the house, the alarm clock starts making a God-awful staticy sound.

I'm not sure what was going on this morning, but just before 6 AM that damned clock starting making a crazy sound.  Pushing the snooze button did nothing.  So I gave it a gentle toss across the room.  Seriously, had I not been on happy pills, I'd have chucked the clock into the wall as hard as I could, but since I'm more mature and mellow now, I gently tossed it aside.

But in an effort to test my new happy pills, the clock mocked me by continuing it's annoying song.  Being that I'm more mature and mellow now, instead of getting out of bed and making sure the clock never sang again, I merely unplugged it.  I didn't get the impression my lovely wife appreciated my newfound maturity, but it's better than how I normally would have handled it.

The poison oak I lost a battle with the other day is becoming increasingly annoying.  I'm jonesing to take a hair brush and just start scratching my arm.  Also, I've got a couple weird looking spots on my legs that look different than my arms.  I thought they were just cuts from the branches, but they're starting to itch as well.  Fortunately, the happy pills have matured me beyond belief so no worries.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Happy Pills--Day 3-ish

In just over two and a half days, I'm not sure my pleasant attitude is changing, but I'm seeing bits and pieces of the side effects.  The drowsiness is a myth.  Last night I don't even remember yawning and when I got in bed at 12:30, I was pretty much wide awake.  Fortunately, I turned the TV to a cycling event and was asleep in no time.

I'm still dragging ass in the mornings.  Once I wake up, it's really hard to fall back asleep so I just toss and turn and think of all the shit I need to do.  I'm pretty sure the happy pills are supposed to combat that, but right now, the anxiety is winning the battle.  Sometimes I do fall back asleep, but them I'm just wasted when I get up.

My temperament I think is improving.  Last night I should have killed Hayden a couple times, but I kept my hands to myself, and don't even recall yelling.  I might have raised my voice, but no yelling and no beating.  Baby steps.

Later in the evening, there was another f-bomb or two that flew out of my mouth, but again, not from anger.  I was more scared than anything. I'm not sure what I was doing, but in the master bathroom area, I heard this sound, it can only be described as some guy motor-boating his large chested lady friend.  I looked around and my wife was across the room and fully clothed, so that wasn't it.  I searched for the sound and saw this wasp that was the size of a large bird and had markings like freaking Darth Maul from the Star Wars movie.

When he flapped his wings, the house shook.  He was up by a light bulb and I really thought he was going to break it with those large wings of his.  I took a towel and tried to beat his ass with it, but the towel just bounced off.  One time I caught him off guard and took his big ass down to the ground.  At this point, Porter the cat came in to help.  I tried to get her out of the way because I was afraid this waspadactyl would carry her off for a late meal.  Jennifer kept yelling at me to just grab it, but it was bigger than I was so I just ran around the room trying to protect myself.

Eventually I landed a few more blows with the towel and stunned him.  I grabbed a Kleenex and went in for the kill.  I had him but he came out of his funk and tried to fly away.  My whole hand shook as he broke free.  Again, I ran around the room screaming like a little girl trying to save myself, leaving the cat and my wife to fend for themselves.  Apparently, another side effect of the happy pills is self-preservation.

Finally I grew tired of Jennifer (hiding under the covers) yelling at me to grow a pair and kill the thing.  I went at the thing one more time, beating anything that moved with the towel.  Finally I subdued this waspadactyl beast and sent him to a watery grave in the toilet.  The waspadactyl had the last laugh, however, as after flushing, the can was partially stopped up.

It should be noted that despite my happy pills, I was dropping f-bombs during this intense battle for life.  I'm not proud of it, but I had to defend my man-card in front of my wife and cat.

I'm at work now and despite passing new road construction on North Green River Road (isn't this basically a new road that took 4 years to finish), I don't recall any road rage...even when I passed the dead guy driving the truck with the handicapable license plate.

One other side effect that wasn't entertaining was discovered at 4:49 this morning when the birds woke me up.  I sort of had to tinkle (as least it felt like that), so I got up to use the now unstopped toilet.  I stood in front of the can.  And I stood...and I stood...and I stood.  I started thinking about how I'm going to be a stallion with these new drugs.  Apparently taking a whiz is going to be an ordeal as well.

Oh well.  The things I do so I can be nice to others.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Happy Pills--Day 2-ish

I'm now some 40 hours into my Happy Pills Experiment.  Day 1 was fairly uneventful.  I think instead of curve balls, Life eased up and started lobbing balls into my wheelhouse.  I can only think of one F-bomb from yesterday and that was when I was cutting up cauliflower for dinner and dropped some onto the floor.

I took my second pill last night about the same time as the previous night.  I'm still undecided on this drowsy thing.  On the one hand, I started yawning almost immediately after taking the pill.  On the other hand, I didn't feel sleepy and managed to go to bed at about the same time as usual.  More research is needed.

While I slept, I slept well.  But like the first day, once I woke up, I struggled to fall back asleep, and today it never really happened.  Like yesterday, I really struggled to get out of bed.  It seems I'm drowsy after waking up rather than at bedtime.  One thing that was different today was I had a bloody nose after blowing my nose this morning.  Maybe it's not uncommon for a bloody nose to take place after an aggressive blow, but I don't recall that happening before.  Again, more research is needed.

The weather is warming here in Indiana, but there hasn't been much wind-->bike riding is very easy right now.  I went out for a short ride today, and dropped only the second f-bomb I can remember since I started doing drugs.  The good news is that this f-bomb wasn't out of frustration.  No, as I was riding down Baseline Road out in the middle of nowhere, I came across a large stick in the road.  This stick was almost as long as the lane opposite to me.  As I rode closer, the damned stick moved.  I think out in the country where I was riding, the roads are like 8 feet wide.  This 'stick' was within a foot or two of taking up the whole lane and wasn't laying straight.  I'm guessing this Stick Snake was 7 or 8 feet long.  I don't like snakes.  They scare the hell out of me.  I said, "Holy %&@#!"

Traffic was acceptable today so there was no road rage.  All in all, it's too early for the happy pills to be working (doctor said to expect up to a month before I notice anything), but I think Life is taking it a bit easy on me.  As such, I don't have anything funny to report.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Happy Pills--Day 1-ish

I'm about 15 hours into my experiment with happy pills.  The doctor said they might make me drowsy and suggested I take them at night to help me sleep (not that I normally need help sleeping).  I'm on the fence about whether or not they actually made me drowsy.  I did start yawning at 10:30 last night, but that was also after my second beer (both of which packed a nice little 8% ABV), so I'm not sure what the cause was.

I went to bed around midnight, right as the rain was starting to pick up.  Shortly thereafter I started losing DirecTV's signal and called it a night.  While I slept well, like usual, I do recall feeling a bit hotter than normal despite sleeping with a box fan going, a ceiling fan going, and a window air conditioner blowing right over me (and yes, the central air was running too).  I blame the happy pills for that.

I woke up still feeling fairly tired, possibly due to the happy pills, but possibly not...who knows?  My stomach wasn't upset, though I had a strange feeling in there, despite having already relaxed with my thoughts while reading the sports section of the paper.

I showered, got dressed and headed into the office.  I did notice along the way to work that I wasn't flipping off anyone, wasn't calling anyone an effing idiot, and was feeling no road rage at all.  However, the jury is still out because there wasn't much traffic.  Also, I seem to be yawning more than usual.

At work, things haven't really improved, I knew it was going to be a bad week and that hasn't changed.  Stress is high and that's fairly common, but I haven't dropped any F-bombs yet and it's relatively peaceful at work, though that's likely because the owner is out of town.

The early results of the happy pills are inconclusive.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Doctor appt

My visit to the doctor went fairly well.  He rarely remembers why or what we talked about last time so it's actually been a while since he's tried to get in my pants and today was no different. 

He walked in and immediately started asking if I still drank weird beer.  I replied in the affirmative and he told me a story about him telling some friends of his a story about me and my beer issues.  From there he asked if I was still taking the drugs he put me on a few years ago and how my wrists were doing.

As the appointment was coming to a close, he asked if there was anything else.  Normally, if we'd gotten this far and I still had my pants on, I'd have flown out of the room, but I was feeling good about this visit, so I stayed.  I asked him if he could put me on happy pills or if I needed to see a shrink.

He said that was something he could handle, but wanted to know my symptoms.  I gave him the run down and then asked him if there were any happy pills that didn't include side effects such as insomnia, weight gain, or my wiener not working.  He laughed and said EVERY medicine has side effects.

He said the drugs nowadays really work well, but there are things to take into consideration.  He mentioned I'd probably be sick to my stomach for the first few days, but it would eventually go away.  He told me I'd probably feel tired early on, so take the drugs at night before bed.  And he said some of the happy pills are prescribed for guys who are three pump chumps to help with their premature issues.  He said my wiener would still work, it would just take longer to finish the transaction.  After thinking about it for about, um, a second, I said, "Sick to my stomach so I'll lose weight, it'll help me fall asleep, and I'll be the Energizer Bunny?  Sounds like a win-win to me."  He laughed and said, "Yeah, you'll really be able to lay some pipe."

That's not exactly what he said, but that's what he meant.  He stressed it would take up to a month before I stopped wanting to hurt people and asked that I schedule another appointment with him in about 30 days to see if I was still wanting to beat people, though I suspect he just wants to hear my stories about being a stallion.

Since tonight starts my weekly tradition of drinking really, really good beer, I'm going to start the happy pills on Monday.  Hopefully the upset stomach will last til Friday morning and I can drink my good beer all over again Friday evening.

I already don't care about most things, but I'd like to think the happy pills will make me not care about anything.