Monday, June 10, 2013

Happy Pills--Day 1-ish

I'm about 15 hours into my experiment with happy pills.  The doctor said they might make me drowsy and suggested I take them at night to help me sleep (not that I normally need help sleeping).  I'm on the fence about whether or not they actually made me drowsy.  I did start yawning at 10:30 last night, but that was also after my second beer (both of which packed a nice little 8% ABV), so I'm not sure what the cause was.

I went to bed around midnight, right as the rain was starting to pick up.  Shortly thereafter I started losing DirecTV's signal and called it a night.  While I slept well, like usual, I do recall feeling a bit hotter than normal despite sleeping with a box fan going, a ceiling fan going, and a window air conditioner blowing right over me (and yes, the central air was running too).  I blame the happy pills for that.

I woke up still feeling fairly tired, possibly due to the happy pills, but possibly not...who knows?  My stomach wasn't upset, though I had a strange feeling in there, despite having already relaxed with my thoughts while reading the sports section of the paper.

I showered, got dressed and headed into the office.  I did notice along the way to work that I wasn't flipping off anyone, wasn't calling anyone an effing idiot, and was feeling no road rage at all.  However, the jury is still out because there wasn't much traffic.  Also, I seem to be yawning more than usual.

At work, things haven't really improved, I knew it was going to be a bad week and that hasn't changed.  Stress is high and that's fairly common, but I haven't dropped any F-bombs yet and it's relatively peaceful at work, though that's likely because the owner is out of town.

The early results of the happy pills are inconclusive.

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