Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Happy Pills--Day 2-ish

I'm now some 40 hours into my Happy Pills Experiment.  Day 1 was fairly uneventful.  I think instead of curve balls, Life eased up and started lobbing balls into my wheelhouse.  I can only think of one F-bomb from yesterday and that was when I was cutting up cauliflower for dinner and dropped some onto the floor.

I took my second pill last night about the same time as the previous night.  I'm still undecided on this drowsy thing.  On the one hand, I started yawning almost immediately after taking the pill.  On the other hand, I didn't feel sleepy and managed to go to bed at about the same time as usual.  More research is needed.

While I slept, I slept well.  But like the first day, once I woke up, I struggled to fall back asleep, and today it never really happened.  Like yesterday, I really struggled to get out of bed.  It seems I'm drowsy after waking up rather than at bedtime.  One thing that was different today was I had a bloody nose after blowing my nose this morning.  Maybe it's not uncommon for a bloody nose to take place after an aggressive blow, but I don't recall that happening before.  Again, more research is needed.

The weather is warming here in Indiana, but there hasn't been much wind-->bike riding is very easy right now.  I went out for a short ride today, and dropped only the second f-bomb I can remember since I started doing drugs.  The good news is that this f-bomb wasn't out of frustration.  No, as I was riding down Baseline Road out in the middle of nowhere, I came across a large stick in the road.  This stick was almost as long as the lane opposite to me.  As I rode closer, the damned stick moved.  I think out in the country where I was riding, the roads are like 8 feet wide.  This 'stick' was within a foot or two of taking up the whole lane and wasn't laying straight.  I'm guessing this Stick Snake was 7 or 8 feet long.  I don't like snakes.  They scare the hell out of me.  I said, "Holy %&@#!"

Traffic was acceptable today so there was no road rage.  All in all, it's too early for the happy pills to be working (doctor said to expect up to a month before I notice anything), but I think Life is taking it a bit easy on me.  As such, I don't have anything funny to report.

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