Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I'm totally kicking the scale's ass

As you know, I'm a fat bastard.  I enjoy drinking and I enjoy eating and I really enjoy drinking and eating.  I'm pretty sure it's my purpose in life, to test drive every beer I can and have some potato chips while I'm doing it.  Unfortunately, there is a side effect to drinking and eating when you combine it with sitting in a recliner for 10 hours on a Sunday watching football.  You get fat (at least I do).

A while back, I decided I wanted to run a mini marathon.  Part of that desire was to simply do it and another part was to lose some pounds in the process.  Running 4+ miles a day did little for my weight.  I lost a little bit, but I knew there was a better way to lose pounds quicker (and you know me, I have no patience).

Last Monday I changed my running habits.  Instead of running 3 or 4 or 6 miles once a day, I went back to what's worked for me in the past--running once in the morning and running again at night.  5 or 6 or 7 years ago I went from 198 pounds down to 166 pounds by running a couple times a day.  Also, I started drinking more water, something I hadn't been doing a very good job of.  On that day I changed my plan, I weighed a little over 187.8. 

This past Friday, I was down to 182.8.  Then came the weekend.  I'm always bad on the weekends.  Too much football takes place, too much TV watching, and too much eating/drinking.  However, I continued to run twice a day.  Yesterday, Monday, which is always a bad day because I learn how much I gained over the weekend, I tipped the scales at a not so whooping 183.4.  I was delighted, but didn't want to talk about it because I feared that the meal I had Sunday would just show up a day late. 

So, today was the day to pay the piper for the roasted pork loin, mashed potatotes and pumpkin pie I had on Sunday.  I would have been happy for the scale to show something in the 183.X.  It didn't happen. 

Excuse me for a second so I can do my happy dance.

Ok, I'm back.  The scale only went up to 181.6 today.  I'm dressed up like I'm getting married today so Hayden and I can go to Tuesday night mass tonight and my jeans (yeah, jeans; Tuesday service is VERY laid back) fit so well I'm going to actually have to button them.  Not only that, I'm going to have to wear belt.  If I can find one, it's been a while since I've needed to wear one. 

My doctor is going to be very pleased to see me on Thursday for my physical.  Not only does he get to play with my balls, a treat all by itself, but he's going to get to tell me I'm not a fast bastard anymore, I'm just simply overweight now.

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