Monday, December 17, 2012

Thanks and wow

I have to take a minute to thank my wife for not being a bitch last week when I went on my epic beer run.  While I don't have a beer drinking problem (though I'm working on it), I have a beer buying problem.  And it's not a little problem, I have big issues.  Some people collect baseball cards, others collect stamps, I collect  bottles full of yummy beer, then when I'm done, I collect the empty bottles (but only one bottle for each kind).

Last year she got on my case a little bit in February.  In the previous December, I'd gone to the same Louisville (yes, I sometimes have to travel to satisfy my addiction) beer place as I went this past week.  I again filled up the trunk and came home with a haul.  I still had plenty of new stuff left in February, but two new seasonals came out and I had to buy those.  Jennifer at the time struggled to understand my constant need to have copious amounts of beer available, but I explained that I have issues and she never mentioned it again.

Things are different this year.  I'm no longer rich, but still buying beer like I am.  My beer haul this year will likely go into the record books.  I spent more than the gross national product of some third world countries and now have both empty bottles filling up two rooms, as well as cases of full bottles.  It's a beer paradise for me...for her, not so much.  But the only time she chimes in is when I need to move my stash from one room to another.  So, thank you.

And now for the wow.  Yesterday, I went to Shoe Carnivore to take advantage of their last cheap weekend of the year.  I'd asked Jennifer a while back to ask her shoe people to let me know the best running shoes out there.  Not the best-selling, but the best.  They said something Asics sells that has gel in the sole, so yesterday I went to find the suggested shoes.

When I finally found a color of shoe I could stomach (Asics has without question, the ugliest shoes on the market), I checked the price on the box.  After throwing up a little in my mouth when I saw that the box price of $119.99 (WTF...for a pair of shoes?), I noticed it had been knocked down to a still staggering $99.98.  Even with the huge discount Jennifer gets, it was still more than I was willing to pay for a pair of shoes, but I thought I'd try them on just to see what all the hype was about.  OMG.

I can't put into words what it felt like to wear the shoes.  I have several pairs of adidas that feel like you're walking on a cloud.  But these shoes went beyond that.  I figured if the government can spend more than it brings in, so can I and I bought the over-priced shoes.

This morning, I put them through their first test on the dreadmill, and again, I'm struggling with putting into words how good these shoes felt on my feet.  It felt like I was in a pool treading water.  There was no constant pounding, I could barely feel a thing.  It was amazing.  Wow.

1 comment:

  1. Mike wears Asics, they don't fit my feet right, but he LOVES his....and he has some pretty major foot issues. YEAH! Having the right shoe makes ALL the difference in the world.
