Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Hide and seek

One of Hayden's favorite games is hide and seek.  I'm not sure what about the game he enjoys, but he giggles and cackles the whole time we play.  For me the game gets old quickly as there are only so many places to hide, and the dog never really helps in the hiding part of the game but is an ace in the seeking. 

Recently, Hayden took the game to a new level.  The other night, as I was taking the dog out for the final time, I noticed a sign on Hayden's door:

I think it was Sunday night he put the sign up.  I had no idea what it meant.  When I picked him up from school yesterday, I asked him what the sign was all about.  He just started laughing as we drove home.

After catching his breath from the guffawing, he explained that he was tricking his Mommy and me into thinking he'd left.  While generally a good speller, he missed the boat badly on Tennessee and I'm not sure of the significance of that state; Bozeman, Montana is a place he'd just read about in Social Studies; my annual May golf trip takes place in Florida; and two of his grandparents live in Owensboro.  So, he was trying to let us know he was 'hiding' in one of those places.

As for the reminder part of the note (yes, we love his mastery of the English language), that was to let us know not to look in his room, for fear of catching onto to his true whereabouts.

I do love how the mind of a third grader works. 

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