Friday, November 2, 2012

Annoyed twice before noon

I left the office at 11 this morning and stopped at the bank on the way home.  I hate going to the bank because it's like being on trial with all the questions they ask (in addition to all the old people that congregate there).  After answering how my day is going I don't want to talk again until I say 'thanks' and start walking towards the door.  While I try not to look grumpy, I don't think I've ever had a talkative look on my face.

Anyway, I handed the bank lady a few checks and a deposit slip.  My A.D.D. kicked in and I started thinking about other things when she asked if I was aware of their new programs.  For whatever reason, I shook my head and said 'no.'  Big mistake.

She spent several minutes explaining to me all the new shit they've got and how much I could save by not paying bank fees (which I already don't pay), on top of all the extra cash I could receive by earning 0.35% interest instead of 0.25% interest on my checking account.  I explained I already one of their new savings account type things and that I'd just transfer some extra funds from my checking to my savings account.  But that wasn't good enough.  She wanted to let me know that I would be earning extra on my checking account too.  After doing some quick math in my head, I'd make an additional $1.67 a month in interest. 

I calmly declined because I just wanted to get out of there.  But the bank lady kept going...explaining that my account number wouldn't change and that they were trying to get customers to switch over because eventually they were going to automatically convert everyone's account anyway.  I asked, in as nice a tone as I could muster, 'if you're going to do it automatically, why is this an issue right this moment?'  She paused, flashed me that 'God, you're really good looking but not very pleasant' look (I get that a lot), and asked if there was anything else she could do for me today.  I thanked her and said 'no.'

When I got home, I decided I was going to cut the grass.  It's been a while and it's a nice warm day and will likely be the last time of the year.  I went out and put on my grass-cuttin' shoes and pulled out the mower from our detached garage.  I pulled the pull cable thing and nothing happened.  I pulled again and got only a slightly better response from the mower.

At this point, I was starting to get pissed.  Earlier in the year, I bought a new mower.  It's some special turbo supercharged propelled mower that is supposed to start on the first pull every time.  As such, there is no choke, no primer button or anything to help when it won't start.  Since the mower has been in the outside garage for the last few weeks in the mostly cold weather, a choke would make perfect sense.  But, since I've got the special mower that starts on the first pull every time, there is no choke.

I pulled a few more times and it tried to fire, but each time it gave up early.  A few times, it spit out some dark smoke.  I laughed and took it as a lawn mower fart, thinking surely that would make it feel better and it would now want to start.  No dice.  So glad I bought the special lawn mower that always starts on the first try.  #(do I even have to say it)

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