Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Any suggestions?

I never knew what a good cat Sneaky was until Jennifer brought home the little son of a bitch you see above.  Porter has been pain in the ass since the day she came to live with us.  She's always getting into shit, always invading our personal space (I don't need her sitting ON my face while I try to watch TV in my recliner), and always makes sure we're up at 5 AM.

She does funny things; she chases her tail like a dog, she chases shadows, and sometimes she just chases things that simply aren't there.  This morning I was relaxing with my thoughts downstairs and could have sworn someone had broken into the house.  When I left the latrine, it was just her running all over the house banging into shit and the dog and cat sitting back and watching, trying to figure out what this idiot kitty was doing.

It's gotten worse since Friday, and that's really when I realized what a good cat Sneaky has been.  When I put up the Christmas tree when Sneaky was still a kitty, he played with the ornaments and chewed anything he could fit in his mouth.  I yelled at him and beat his ass and he never did it again.  I expected the same with Porter, but she's had different ideas.

I've got one of those fake trees where the lights are already on the tree.  Basically you hook a couple things together and the tree is up and lit in maybe five minutes.  Because it's fake, it looks almost perfect--all the branches exactly where they should be.

On Saturday morning, when I got downstairs, I noticed the tree no longer looked perfect.  Every branch on the bottom was hanging a little lower than normal and the tree looked like shit.  Yesterday morning, Jennifer woke me up much earlier than I wanted to explain to me that she knew why the tree was moving...the damned cat was climbing it.

Later when I woke up, I went downstairs and glanced at my ugly tree.  I heard a meow and looked at the floor, only to find nothing.  Instead, about 4 feet high, there was a black cat laying on a branch.  I wanted to beat her.

Since then, I've managed to put up some barriers to keep her out, but it's not working. She either climbs the barriers or just jumps over or through them.  I keep a spray bottle nearby to squirt the little shit, but it does little good.  Sneaky catches on after a few splashes and stops doing whatever it is he's been doing, but Porter doesn't seem to care.

She's going in next week to have her front claws removed.  While she's there, I'm going to see if they can just remove her front legs while they've got her.  Other than that, I'm out of ideas.  I've considered tossing her against the wall the next time she does it, but I'm saving that as a final option.

Any suggestions?

1 comment:

    When I was growing up we had a live tree once. Stupid cat climbed (with no front claws)to the top and proceeded to knock it over. You can imagine the look on my Mom's face, not happy.
