Tuesday, November 13, 2012

No beer last night

The football game last night sucked.  It was played on a shitty field in shitty weather and one of the teams is shitty and the other is playing shitty.  Had I not had a wiener and been obligated to watch it, I probably wouldn't have.  I actually fell asleep during the game as it more resembled soccer than real football as it was mostly a field goal fest.  As such, I didn't even feel like having a beer last night. 

This morning, I opted against running through the neighborhood (I saw ice and decided I'd prefer the warmer confines of my mancave) and instead ran on the dreadmill.  In trying to work within the framework of something my cousin suggested, I started off with a half mile jog before enduring a series of eighth-mile runs at an incline and then slower eighth mile 'runs' at no incline to mimic running up a hill and then back down.  He uses it for strength training.  For two miles, I alternated between tear-inducing uphill climbs and slower trots to catch my breath.  With one stop in the middle for a drink and to blow my nose, I didn't stop.  After finishing the uphill-downhill parts, I finished with an easy half mile jog to end the morning with what amounted to a 3-mile run overall.

After dicking around on Facebook and allowing my body temperature to get back below triple digits, I hit the shower.  I dryed off, shaved and hopped on the scale.  183.2.  (Doing my happy dance now)

Granted, I'm not weighing myself at the ideal time, but I'm weighing under the same conditions everyday.  I can't wait to see less than 180 because there's a new buffet place that just opened in Evansville and I'm looking forward to leaving my mark on the place. 

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