Thursday, November 15, 2012

Not much in the tank today

I was worn out yesterday.  Fortunately, Hayden didn't have much homework so we finished in no time and we each decided to relax.  I didn't feel bad, but I didn't seem to have much in the tank as far as energy.  I've been running a lot lately, the broken foot is doing great, and I haven't really taken any days off to rest since I can't remember when.  After sitting in the recliner most of the night and loading up on every vitamin pill I had (I've been trying to remember to take a multi-vitamin every day, something my doctor suggested a year or so ago), I decided a beer and the day off on Thursday would be great.

However, I woke up feeling much better today.  While today is a bit warmer than it has been, it's still nipply out and somewhere in the house I knew I had a pair of runner's pants so when I got up I decided to look for them.  It only took a few minutes to find them, so I thought, "screw it," and figured I'd try them out. 

I recall a friend of mine telling me she liked her runs to be deep and hard (or long and slow, I can't remember), so I went for a run, taking it very easy.  It occurred to me while running that my legs don't hurt all that much when I run and my lungs can handle 50+ minutes of jogging, so I decided that even though I was running on empty I wanted to see if I could put 4 miles behind me.

As I headed west, I noticed I was running directly into the wind.  When I turned left and headed south for a bit, I noticed, again, that I was running directly into the wind.  Eventually I turned and was heading east when I noticed that, once more, I was running directly into the wind.  I thought maybe I should have listened to myself last night when I decided to take the day off.  Seriously, the freaking wind was in my face unless I ran north. 

Though my legs felt a big heavy and my ankles weren't exactly interested in a longish run, I managed 4.6 miles today in just over 45 minutes.  I stopped after two miles and dropped my hat and gloves off by our gate (it was 37 degrees when I started, but after two miles, I have sweating like a whore in church).  After three miles, I stopped and walked for about 50 feet.  Other than that, I piddled along at a 6.1 MPH clip (which I was a bit encouraged by, given how slow it felt).

Even after taking off the gloves and hat, I continued to leak sweat.  I wish you could have felt my shirt when I got home.  OMG. 

After getting off the scale, I wasn't exactly doing a happy dance.  The other day I was down as low as 183.2.  Yesterday, I weighed myself before running and weighed 186.4 and then 184.2 after running.  Today, after the run I was at 184.0.  I was hoping to be a bit lower, especially considering that as soon as I start eating I'll be back up to 186 or so tonight.

I'm not giving up on seeing 179.9 or lower by Thanksgiving, but now I have no choice but to limit the damage this weekend, something I didn't want to have to do.  I so look forward to the weekends because that's when I allow myself to pop the cork on a $10 bottle of beer.  That's not looking likely at this point.

Regardless, I was pleased that I managed 4.6 miles on what I'd planned to be a day off.

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