Monday, November 5, 2012

Thanks guys

I want to take this opportunity to thank all the construction guys that have been working in our neighborhood over the past few weeks.  They've been there replacing a good portion of the 3.5 linear miles of concrete that make up our subdivision.

Because of their diligence over those weeks, they've ensured that I haven't overslept once, making it a point to start making noise just before the sun starts to shine every morning.  Granted, I don't get into the office until 10:30 two days a week and 12:30 on two other days so I don't need an alarm, but I'm damn happy they've been looking out for me just in case I try to oversleep.

They're very kind in many other kinds of ways, notably the way they've been showering me with gifts.  As I walk out to get the paper, I notice the guys leave me their cigarette butts almost every day.  I'm not a smoker, but it's nice to know the guys are taking care of me in case I want to start.

On Sunday I finally got my lawn mower started.  It's been a couple weeks since I cut the front yard and the grass was getting long and the leaves were growing deep.  I appreciate the empty Coke can that had been hiding under the leaves.  My lawn mower made a really neat sound when the empty can was discovered.  I don't consume much caffeine, but again, I appreciate that the guys were looking out for me in case I needed that late morning pick-me-up.

Finally, I want to thank the guy who left the empty pack of cigarettes in my mailbox.  That was truly kind of you to show me which brand was your favorite, just in case I want to boil up a nice batch of lung cancer.

I'm sure all the households that make up Green River Estates III is equally pleased.  Each time I walk the dog, ride bikes with Hayden, or go for a run, I see remnants of the construction team in everyone's yard and drive way.  Guys, keep up the good work.

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