Tuesday, October 16, 2012

10/16 Jog

I set out today at a deliberately slower pace so I could jog through more of the neighborhood.  After getting on the scale this morning, I realized I was going to have to start running farther (and that I was going to have to cut out that second piece of pie each night).  With another football game last night, the on-going war between my stomach and my belt was won decisively by my stomach...again.  The scale showed 188.4 when I got out of bed and 187.6 after a visit to the latrine (that poor, poor toilet).  Fortunately, there's no football on Tuesday and Wednesday so maybe I can drop a few in the next couple days.

Anyway, it was a beautiful, albeit windy, morning and today I left without a jacket.  Like always, I set a blazing pace early.  Then I got out of the driveway and settled into a steady jog.  By the time I hit the neighbor's yard, there had been no coup discussions from my lungs or legs so I went with my plan to slow it down (difficult for a Speedy Gonzales like me) and run a bit farther.

I made it through the whole loop without stopping.  No chat with the guy fixing the concrete in his driveway, no chat with the construction guys, no chat with the old man talking on his cell phone, no stop to tie my shoes, nothing more than a wave to the Fedex guy who waited for me to cross his path.  My trip today was 40% longer than when I started this facade 7 days ago and 10% longer than yesterday (it's still not long enough to brag about on here).  My pace did suffer, only 6.3 MPH, but that was part of the plan.

I feel good and my sweating and chest pains have already stopped. 

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