Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Various ramblings

Today's reading will be from the Book of Various Ramblings.  It won't be as spiritual as maybe something from the Book of Corinthians or the Book of Colossians, but it's as good as I've got.  I picked those two Biblical treasures because last night while Hayden and I were listening to Father Bernie speak at Tuesday night mass, Hayden leaned over and said "Daddy, I like the Book of Colossians."  After a bewildered look, I said, "Hayden, stop talking and listen to Father Bernie."  He nodded in approval and sat quietly...for a minute.  Then he leaned over and whispered into my ear again, "Daddy, I also like the Corinthians."  At this point I was just speechless and stopped caring if he talked while Father Bernie was preaching.

So anyway, there is no point to today's reading, just the crap that's running around in my head.  One thing I can't get out of my head is why I have to hit every red light on Green River Freaking Road.  It's easily the busiest non-highway road in town and you'd think lights would be staggered to keep the flow of traffic moving.  In Evansville, not so much.

I've driven over the speed limit to test the staggeredness (I'm sure should be a word if it isn't) of the lights.  I've driver at the speed limit to test the staggeredness and I've driven under the speed limit.  The only thing I've learned is that the lights simply aren't staggered.  There were two lights that were green as I entered the intersection, but it doesn't count because I had to slow down to a crawl to catch them green.  And one light that was still red, but I figured it was in the process of turning green so I just went.

I'm not sure what makes me madder, hitting every damned red light or passing some dead lady driving her Buick in the fast lane, only to have her catch right back up to me at the next intersection because I got stuck at yet another red light.

If we were really concerned about the hole in the ozone layer and global warming, we'd do something with all the damned stop lights.  Does it really make sense to stop 19 cars in each direction so some dipshit from a cross road wants to turn left?  It just proves to me that we don't care about the tree huggers because removing some number of stop lights would prevent dozens and dozen of cars (at every intersection) from standing at idle, polluting our fine planet so some soccer mom can pull out of Starbucks with her Iced Cinnamon Dolce Latte.

Speaking of coffee type things, I saw an ad today for something from Dunkin' Donuts.  We no longer have a Dunkin' Donuts in Evansville because Donut Bank started kicking their ass about 30 years ago and they left town with their tale between their legs.  But I saw Dunkin' Donuts is selling something, maybe a drink, I didn't pay enough attention, but they're selling something that's pumpkin and white chocolate.  I don't know what exactly that would taste like, but it probably tastes something like this-->OMG.

I started thinking about that and I remembered I make a mean cheesecake.  It's been a few years since I made one, but they're the bomb.  I love me some pumpkin and I also love me some white chocolate.  So, I'm adding a white chocolate pumpkin cheesecake to my bucket list.  Holy shit, it's going to be good.

Hopefully I can check that off the list soon.  But not too soon because I'm still fat, though there was cause for celebration this morning.  Since hitting rock bottom on Monday when the scale jokingly showed 190.0, I'm down a couple pounds to 188.0.  My goal remains seeing 179.something by Thanksgiving, at which point I can get fat again.

Unfortunately, losing weight during the week has never been a problem for me, it's always the weekends when I do my damage.  Last night I ate a nice sized turkey sandwich for dinner.  A few hours later I had Single-Wide IPA from Boulevard Brewing in KC, Missouri and just a handful of chips.  A while later I had some sort of Italian ice thing, but it's got no fat and like four calories.  I felt plenty full all night so I see no reason I can't do the same thing tonight.

Tomorrow night there's a football game on, so we'll see how much will power I've got.  But now, in addition to looking even hotter than I normally do when I finally reach my target weight, I've got an extra carrot dangling in front of me in that I can finally make that white chocolate pumpkin cheesecake.

If I can make it through the game with just one beer and a handful of chips, I've got to contend with the weekend.  However, I'm already making plans.  I've currently got a bomber of a Canadian beer called Quelque Chose (from Unibroue) sitting in my beer cellar (and by beer cellar, I mean the couple of shelves in the pantry that I've commandeered).  It's got a 'best by' date of 2024, so I've got plenty of time to drink it, but I think now is the perfect time to crack it open.  It's a Belgian cherry based beer and it's no longer made, so I'll need to take my time and sip it to make it last.  No need for a bag of chips with this beer.

In addition to that fine beer, I've got a couple holy grails remaining...Westvleteren 8 and 12.  They've been aging for a while now and I think I'm ready to finish them off.  That gets me through to next week without the need for a bag of chips each night.

Wish me luck.


  1. I seriously need to meet Hayden He sounds like my kind of kid! Evansville isn't called "stoplight city" for nothing!

  2. I'm with you, Rick. Green River is horrible...even by E'ville standards. I drive 10 mins out of my way just to avoid it.

  3. I can only describe Hayden as 'special.' And you can use that term with any of its meanings and they all fit. His 'charm' is maddeningly annoying at times, but his sense of humor and outlook on life are the reasons I haven't put him 6 feet under.

    Natalie, I live three houses off Green River Road on the north end and I work on Green River Road at the south kills me to drive out of the way.
