Friday, October 12, 2012

Welcome to my blog!

Glad you found the place.  Some friends and family members from Facebook suggested I start a blog, so here goes.  Normally, I talk about every day stuff that happens to me.  Given the fact that life isn't always fair, people find laughter in my struggles to deal with these things life throws at me.

I try to do my best to make it through each day unscathed, but it's getting harder and harder.  Patience is not a virtue for me and sometimes little things push me over the edge and I have to throw a hissy fit to feel better.  It doesn't help that I'm pretty sure I've got some form of autism...or that my 8-year old does.  Autism makes us think differently because we're wired differently.  Some people, mostly my friends, find the way I handle things to be entertaining, mostly because they don't have to live with me.  Other people, mostly my wife, don't find the humor, mostly because she does have to live with me.

On a daily basis, I have to deal not only with my own struggles with autism, but also those of my almost 9-year old little boy, Hayden.  His autism is even worse than mine, though we're both pretty lucky we don't have worse cases.  Ultimately it leads to some fairly humorous confrontations (though my wife wouldn't necessarily agree).

In being a dad, I've learned that parenting is a tough job.  In being an autistic dad to an autistic son, I've learned that parenting is a really tough job.  I do the best I can.  Some days I'm a star...other days, not so much.

Some days I feel I'm a star.  Then my wife comes in and explains how I'm not.  This is how the title of the blog comes into play.  I've been called crazy and told I'm nuts for some of my parenting 'skills.'

Al Bundy is one of my favorite TV characters.  One of his favorite TV shows was Psycho Dad.  Hence the title, as I'm a real life Psycho Dad.


  1. This will be endlessly entertaining, Rick. Count me in as a regular reader.

  2. So glad that you are doing this Rick!
